Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater?

Is it possible for a couple to overcome the betrayal of a cheating spouse and repair broken trust in a marriage? For many, it’s a black-and-white world, and the question above may show us how cheating is viewed in that world. It’s certainly true that many...

Help: Spouse Still Loves The Ex

Just because a marriage ends in divorce, the life and family created as a couple cannot be erased like a chalkboard. Unlike calling a mulligan, the memories and emotions connected to an ex remain, despite the do over. Most of us have multiple relationships in our...

Tackling Details During Divorce Mediation

What does divorce mediation need to address? So many details often get left out without a plan to cover not only the basics, but also concepts and plans to help keep agreements sustainable over time. Good mediation takes into account a historical perspective brought...

Demystifying Divorce: Virtual Town Hall Recap

Demystifying Divorce “We’re not pro-divorce, we’re pro-family.” –Michelle Crosby, CEO of Wevorce, during Demystifying Divorce Facebook LIVE event As mentioned on the Wevorce blog last month, we have launched a series of Facebook LIVE...

Keeping Secrets

Keeping Secrets Many neuroscientists believe that keeping secrets is hazardous to your health. In their view, it’s better to fess up, or just refuse to participate in other’s secret keeping. It has to do with the brain, keeping quiet stresses it. Humans...