Does Income Determine Custody?

Money and custody. Custody and money. Money and kids. Kids and money. Around and around go the debates and questions. Well-meaning friends or family are full of advice, too. “You can pay for this or that, so I know the court will give you custody.” Or,...

The Divorce Process

I wish this question could be answered with the more exciting things we all consider when we think about getting married. That there may be flowers, friends and family, and great food. But perhaps remembering the planning that went into the marriage ceremony is not a...

Divorce And Your Business Partner

Everyone will agree, getting divorced is difficult. Add a spouse who is also your business partner, and the complexity shoots into the danger zone. But, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your business association must end as well as your marriage. No, really....

What To Do When Your Kids Surf Porn

You conquered fevers, potty training, elementary school bullies and the beginning throes of puberty without a complete nervous breakdown. And you were this close to believing you had the whole parenting thing licked. Then you caught your teenager surfing porn online....