Divorce in South Carolina

Please note: local and state laws change constantly. This information is for educational purposes only. We do our best to keep this up-to-date, but please contact us to discuss your unique situation. Getting Divorced in South Carolina According to South Carolina Code,...

Blending a Family

A stepparent is so much more than just a parent; they made the choice to love when they didn’t have to. ~Author Unknown With divorce statistics hovering around 50 percent, it is probable that you may have a blended family consisting of yours, mine and ours. So...

Legal Separation vs. Divorce

Legal Separation vs. Divorce The main difference between the two is that with a ;divorce ;the marriage is ended, changing the legal status of the parties in relation to one another. With a legal separation the marriage is suspended, enabling the couple to live apart,...

Finances in Divorce: Facebook LIVE Recap

Finances in Divorce On September 8th, Wevorce hosted another Facebook LIVE conversation, Finances in Divorce, with Kristine Rushing, a Wevorce Fiscal Professional and CDFA. If you were unable to join us but are interested in the financial topics discussed, we’ve...