Divorce In The Military

Divorce In The Military The process of getting a divorce for military personnel is basically the same as it is for civilians. The laws of the state the divorce petition is filed in govern the process, leaving the military’s authority limited. In general, the...

Gray Divorce: Why Mediation Is A Better Option

In Falmouth, Massachusetts, the town in which I practice law, 34 percent of the population was 60 years old or older in 2010. This percentage is expected to rise to close to 50 percent by 2020. Traditionally, the older the married couple, the less likely the chance of...

Men, Women and Sex

Men and Sex Men think more about sex. No breaking news there. Studies concluded that a little more than half of adult men up to the age of 60 think about sex at least once a day. Men fantasize twice as much as women, though both fantasize less as they age. Men want...

Parenting Time as Your Kids Age

Divorce is difficult. Not only for couples going through the process, but for their children. Splitting up a home, finances and lives is a minefield of decision making. Even the best parents struggle with emotions as they try to do what is right for their family. Part...

Co-parenting 101

Co-parenting 101 The word “co-parents” denotes an amicable situation, in which two people are working toward the good of another: their child. In reality, of course, co-parenting is not so easy. When two parents are coming from opposite sides of the...