Flexibility And Strength

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”— Alice Walker Tall buildings are constructed to move a little in high winds; the flexibility actually makes them stronger and more able to withstand the forces of...

What Is Equitable Distribution?

There are only nine community property states, the remaining states are equitable distribution states, with the exception of Alaska, which is normally an equitable distribution state, but has the option for spouses to choose to create a community property estate. In...

We’re Not Sexually Matched

Sexual compatibility is defined as the extent to which a couple perceives they share sexual beliefs, preferences, desires, and needs with their partner. Studies have linked sexual satisfaction directly to relationship satisfaction, but don’t use your perception...

Divorce on Facebook: An Etiquette Guide

Let’s face it: Social media has become our new national pastime. The average person probably checks Facebook more often than the weather. We keep up to date with friends and acquaintances from every facet of our lives and, as a result, have never been so tightly...