When people divorce, there is usually a moment when each person looks around and realizes that they are no longer in possession of something that they previously relied on. In the midst of the transition, it may have gone unnoticed. However, as things settle down, details of creating one’s own separate lifestyle and home may be some of the hardest things to address.

The idea of a divorce gift registry is a creative way to help people learn that change does not have to be negative. Friends and family can help “celebrate” each divorced person’s journey by honoring the new life they are creating.

Some of the items that may be helpful for a newly divorced person include:

  • Silverware
  • Sheets or towels
  • Oil change or vehicle service gift certificate
  • Spices
  • Artsy fun items for decorating and to help make a house feel homey

There are obviously lots of other possibilities. The idea is what counts. Approaching divorce with fresh eyes means helping people to move forward with hope and looking for opportunities to bring positive thoughts and ideas. What a great idea to have this become something of a celebration!