You Have No Choice. Here’s How To Find Peace

Here we are together again for yet another family function. My mother has been gone just over a month and my children, my father, my brother and his family and the father of my children, my x husband have gathered to celebrate her life. When I look back over my life, I can honestly say that all the negative emotions related to my divorce to him are gone. The memories of that day, the first month, the first year, and the first few years after my divorce are mere memories.

The words and feelings that were felt then are no longer important or felt now.I hope that these positive affirmations inspire you to experience your life the way you deserve to live it.

1. I accept what has happened between us.

I forgive myself and no longer regret what I did to cause our breakup. I am moving away from my past and toward a new healthier lifestyle.

2. I love and continue to see our children.

This breakup had nothing to do with them and everything to do with us.

3. I accept that I will have to see my ex because we have children.

I am civil with my ex, especially in front of our children and I do not discuss our personal issues when they are around. As they get older, they will understand that this isn’t about them.