Before You Say ‘I Don’t’ — A Beginner’s Guide To Divorce,” by Michelle Crosby, with Kelly Moyer and the Wevorce Team.

Evolving from one-half of a married couple to a single person, possibly to a single parent, is no easy transition. In fact, on the scale of life’s most stressful events, divorce comes second only to the death of a spouse or a child.

“Divorce is a really hard process,” says Wevorce co-founder and CEO Michelle Crosby. “It’s painful. It takes courage for two people to sit down with the self-awareness that it takes to say, ‘Okay, this hurts already; how can we not make it worse?'”

Maybe you’ve been mentally preparing for your divorce for several months or years, or maybe you are coming to the process completely blindsided by your spouse’s affair, or you are still reeling from the fact they just told you they are leaving. No matter how it played out to bring you to this point, expect to experience a broad range of emotional highs and lows during the divorce process itself. And, even though there are no shortcuts through the pain or corners to cut when it comes to planning your future as a single parent, there are ways to minimize the damaging effects of divorce. Educating yourself about the divorce process is the first step.


Are you thinking about divorce, or have already started the process? Do you have a million questions running through your head? Or need help navigating the explosive legal, financial and emotional mine fields during the process itself? Michelle Crosby, Wevorce CEO and co-founder, has written a basic, beginner’s guide to provide straight-forward information for individuals who are struggling with the inherent issues and questions as they consider or pursue a divorce.

Before You Say ‘I Don’t’ — A Beginner’s Guide To Divorce,” now available on Amazon.