What Exactly is Feng Shui and How Can it Help Me Deal with my Divorce?

Q: What exactly is Feng Shui and how can it help me in dealing with my divorce?

A: o often during this transition we find ourselves simply responding to the events surrounding us, causing us to stay focused on what we don’t want, instead of the kind of life we do want. To develop a life we love, it’s not enough to know what we are moving away from, we must know what we are moving toward.

Research in Quantum Physics has shown that our thoughts and emotions can dramatically influence events because we are in constant communication with others at the energetic level. We also know that getting clear about our intentions is a powerful tool in co-creating the life and relationships we choose. Notice, I used the word choose here and this is where Feng Shui comes in.

Feng Shui is an ancient practice that combines the sciences of ergonomics, psychology, and Quantum Physics/Spirituality” ”making it well-suited for modern life. It asks that we first determine what we choose for ourselves in each of the nine Life Domains (Career, Spirituality, Family, Finances, Reputation, Intimate Relationships, Children, Mentors, and Health) and then create the physical environment that supports those intentions.

While environmental adjustments are an important part of this practice, the initial step of consciously stating our intentions about the life we want is extraordinarily effective and accomplishes several powerful goals:

  • It defines the destination and provides a focal point
  • It shifts the emotional energy from negative to pro-active.
  • Positive thoughts literally shift brain chemistry and make us feel better.

This new vision of what we want life to be acts like a road map to help us navigate the transitions to come. It shines a beacon of light on our destination and helps us reach it with grace and commitment.