Divorcing a Bipolar Spouse

We All Think Our Exes are Bi-Polar, But What is Divorce Like When They Actually Are? “When I met my husband, I took everything he said at face value. I did not know what a troubled soul he was. Four years into our marriage, he told me that he had been depressed and...

Depression, Kids, Divorce

Mental Health: Helping Your Child Cope With Depression and Divorce Divorce has many effects on children. No two children will react in exactly the same way. That’s why parents need to be diligent about watching for signs and indications that your child may be...

Divorce, Depression and Dads

Mental Health: Fathers Facing Divorce Often Find it Hard to Get Help For many men, going through a divorce feels like a failure, and that perception often leads some of them down the long, windy road to depression. “The loss of an important relationship like a...

Forgiving Ex-Spouse Can Help

Mental Health: Forgiveness Can Help You Save Marriage or Move on after Divorce In the classic movie “The Princess Bride,” Inigo Montoya, played by Mandy Patinkin, fantasizes about killing the six-fingered man who murdered his father. He tells everyone that...

Depressed over Your Divorce?

Mental Health: Six Tips to Help as You Deal with Depression over Divorce Since your spouse told you she wants a divorce, you’ve had trouble concentrating. You find yourself snapping at everyone. Even the smallest tasks leave you exhausted. And to top it off,...