What’s Financial Infidelity?

Are You Cheating On Your Spouse… With Money When you make a promise to love, honor and cherish another person, the faithfulness implied doesn’t have a thing to do with money. Still, according to Long Beach, Calif.,psychotherapist Tina Tessina,also known as...

Book Review: Lust in Translation

Infidelity: Book Examines Views about Adultery Around the World Scene: A living room somewhere in America. A woman, printed e-mails in hand, confronts her husband with evidence of his affair. There is yelling and crying; he leaves for the night. Soon this couple will...

Dr. Gilda: Cheating Spouse?

Infidelity: 5 Tips for Elizabeth Edwards and Other Wives Dealing with a Cheater Elizabeth Edwards lost her 16-year-old son in a car crash. She contracted breast cancer. Her cancer returned to her bones, and it is inoperable. Her husband told her about his infidelity...