[Don’t] Be My Valentine

Why It’s Not So Bad to Be Single “Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” —Paul Tillich Loneliness and solitude. These are two words that basically mean the same thing, but can be viewed as opposite in...

Divorced on Father’s Day?

Etiquette Tips for Divorced Parents This June, Americans will fire up the grills to honor the men in their lives. Whether you’re married or divorced, a single dad or a stepfather, retailers expect those eager to honor dads of all kinds will spend more than $9...

Divorced + Kids + Halloween = Scary?

5 Tips For You & Your Ex at Halloween If you’re divorced, share custody, and you and your ex both want to share the trick-or-treat experience with your kids, the situation can be challenging. So what should you do for a minor holiday in order for everyone to...

HeartChoice: Divorce and the Holidays

How You Can Help Yourself Through the Holidays When You’re Newly Single You’ve read the headlines: “Suicide Rate Higher Among the Divorced” and “More Depression during the Holidays” — suggesting that the holidays are a difficult...

After the Divorce, Take a Trip

Single Traveler: An Adventure Could Be What You Need to Regain Confidence Experiencing a divorce can leave you with a feeling of rejection and failure. It could easily reduce your self-confidence level, plus add a tremendous amount of stress in your life. One way some...