How to Get an Online Divorce (Amicably)

Divorce in the U.S. is a multi-billion dollar industry that has dominated the court system and lined attorneys’ pockets for decades. The process also often comes at a cost to families — both financially and emotionally. But all that is starting to change. Enter:...

10 Legal Mistakes in Divorce

Legal: 10 Mistakes Most People Make when They Divorce Divorce is a tumultuous time for most people. So, before pursuing legal counsel, it’s best to define your goals. If you decide to meet with an attorney, be prepared to answer the following questions. 1. What...

About Law: Child Support Cost

Legal: Your State’s Court Will Decide What You Pay to Support your Children Q: How do I estimate how much I will have to pay in child support? A: Divorce law is established by each state. Often the results are similar, but they take different approaches to get...

Divorce Organizer: Avoiding Court

Legal: Five Tips to Help You Avoid Returning to Court when You and your Ex Can’t Agree It’s to be expected that you and your ex are going to have some disagreements as you continue to parent your children together after your divorce is final. All parents...