I Can Feel The Scarlett Letter D On My Chest

Someone in my building has one of those family bumper stickers on their rear window.

Have you seen these? It’s stick like figures of dad, mom, daughter, son and maybe a dog. I’ve seen some with lots of kids and a couple of pets too.I hate them.

I hate them.They make me feel paranoid and incomplete.

They make me feel paranoid and incomplete.I feel like people know by my lack of bumper sticker stick figures that I am ‘A Divorcee”…I can almost feel the scarlet letter D on my chest.

I feel like people know by my lack of bumper sticker stick figures that I am ‘A Divorcee”…I can almost feel the scarlet letter D on my chest.The stick figures are all overly happy, with crazy big smiles and hands up in the air in

The stick figures are all overly happy, with crazy big smiles and hands up in the air in rejoicing. When I see them on the road I immediately dislike the entire family inside that car. I know that’s wrong.

When I see them on the road I immediately dislike the entire family inside that car. I know that’s wrong.And why is the dad always first? I get that they are probably doing it in order of size. Dads are usually taller, I guess.

And why is the dad always first? I get that they are probably doing it in order of size. Dads are usually taller, I guess.But it feels like they are advertising to the world ‘look at us, we are the

But it feels like they are advertising to the world ‘look at us, we are the happiestin-tact familyin the world…even our dog is happy…..are you?’


I know I’m just jealous, right?

I just stepped outside to perform a secret agent, undercover spy mission on this person’s car. Looked both ways, nobody was around. Casually walked up to the rear window and took a good hard look at those happy, mocking stick figures.

They are sold individually. So you get to pick and choose your family members. (Imagine if you could in real life too)

Three kids? One with a soccer ball? A cat?

What best describes your family?

What if I did this?

I would have me, my two kids, and a half cat? (One of my neighbors stole my cat…it’s a long story…best for another day….we do visit her though…so she’s sort of still ours).

Or maybe I could buy the dad one and then put one of those big red null and void signs over it?


Would people drive up behind me at a stop light and make judgments when they see those stick figures on my window?

What would they think?

‘There’s another example of a guy walking away from his family and responsibilities and becoming a dead beat dad, leaving this poor woman to raise her kids alone.’

Or ‘hmmmmm, look at that, that women is one of those female libbers – she adopted two kids all by herself….she must be gay.’

I do not think the first conclusion would be ‘happily divorced mom with two kids’.

I still think people assume divorce is a choice. And it is, for the spouse who gets to make that decision.

Rare is the divorce where both spouses sit down to tea and say, ever so politely, ‘dear, can you pass me the croissants and do you think we should divorce this afternoon?”

Would republicans throw things at my car because I was advertising a nontraditional family unit?

Would it be a constant reminder to me and my kids that we are not whole?

Maybe it would become a cult following?

Maybe everyone would get one and tell the world the truth?

They’d have to start selling stick figures with unhappy faces, or a battered wife with a black eye, or a stick figure eyeing another stick figure while the spouse was not looking.

I think this could be a whole new market. We have bumper stickers that show the world that you support one candidate over another, or that you are pro choice or that your kid is an honor roll student. Why not some real ones.

It’s the age of the internet, the age of web 2.0, the age of everyone having a blog and sharing personal stories. Why not tell us on your car?

Gambler and alcoholic stick figures and ones that show if you’re in debt or suffer from shyness.

We all are who we are, right? I’m a single mom with two kids and a half cat. I like peanut butter, ice and sleeping. I am who I am.

Maybe I’ll go buy some of those stick figures today and let the world know it.