Decided To Divorce? 5 Must Dos

If you’re planning to file for a divorce, a substantial amount of paperwork and decision-making await you. Prepare yourself in advance with these five tips:

1. Talk about dividing your assets.

Decide how to split retirement accounts and profits from the sale of property.

2. Remember the paperwork.

Gather Social Security numbers, including those of your children; copies of marital contracts such as prenuptial agreements; and financial documents such as tax returns, bank statements and credit and loan applications.

3. Withdraw half the money in joint accounts.

You’re entitled to 50 percent of it. A judge may decide otherwise later. If you withdraw only half, you’ll appear fair.

4. Lawyer, mediator or DIY?

A lawyer is useful when acrimony, children or large assets are involved. A mediator is good for couples divorcing amicably. Web sites offer state-specific divorce kits with how-to information for do-it-yourselfers.

5. Know the tax implications.

Single ownership of formerly joint assets can come with a big tax bill. A tax-deferred retirement account can cost more in the long run than regular accounts in which taxes are paid incrementally.