When one spouse considers options like Wevorce for divorce, the question often comes from the other spouse, “What does this mean?” It is normal to feel uneasy. There may even be an initial reaction of, “No, just because you want to do it that way, doesn’t mean I will. I want to decide for myself.”

Wevorce strives to put both people’s minds at ease. The Wevorce process begins by recommending that a couple consult us together at the same time for the first visit. Wevorce team members are trained as mediators and maintain a neutral stance while answering questions and providing general information about how the process works. They do not take sides. This is your process and Wevorce honors that.

To clarify further, Wevorce consults are not like attorney consults. Attorneys are trained to advocate for their client’s position and often will listen to one side without ever knowing the other side. Wevorce team members are all professional mediators in addition to their other skills. Part of being a professional mediator requires each team member be skilled at validating both people’s concerns and expectations. Team members also want to answer questions with the same information for both people, and ensure that both sides feel supported and balanced in the decision-making process.

If your spouse wants a Wevorce consult, know that the Wevorce team will be there for both of you. If either of you have questions that you are unable or unwilling to ask in the presence of the other person, the Wevorce team also has a process for addressing those concerns. It includes listening separately and then helping to discover ways to ask the questions in the company of the other person, or allowing the team to provide some general discussion so that the questions get answered in the normal flow when both people are present.

Wevorce team members encourage open, honest dialogue. Wevorce also recognizes that communication breakdowns are a normal part of a divorce process. The team is there to help open the conversation to allow both people to explore ways their needs can be met.

If your spouse wants a Wevorce consult, please feel free to contact us yourself and help schedule the appointment. We want you both to feel included and supported.