What is Collaborative Divorce?

“To collaborate is defined as to work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something, and ‛to work with the enemy.'” — Wikipedia and Webster’s New World Dictionary “Collaborative Law is a voluntary, non-adversarial,...

Help! I’m Married To A Workaholic

Workaholics come in many forms, but it generally is not a curable condition, unless the workaholic tendency is tied to a one-time project only. Since workaholics tend to dive head first into solving puzzles, you probably saw signs of this trait early in your...

All’s Fair In Love And War

Or is it? Even in warfare, there are rules. So what are the rules when it comes to love? Our favorite psychologist of daytime TV, Dr. Phil, has said, “How you argue— especially how you end an argument— can determine the long-term success or failure of your...

Keeping Life Normal For My Kids

Normal in one family might be very different from normal in another. What your kids are used to and how your specific family handles change in general are key factors in determining what your kids need to maintain a sense of normalcy and security during divorce. As...