Five Tips to Support a Friend or a Family Member as They Go through their Divorce

Divorce is a difficult and emotional situation for anyone. Having the support of friends and family is very important to the emotional wellbeing of any divorcee, but as a friend, it’s often hard to know exactly how to help. Here are five simple steps to helping a friend during their divorce:

1. Be there.

Make it a point to offer your assistance in simple ways. Suggest that you help them clean the house or offer your time to watch their kids. These small gestures show that you are there for them and willing to support them. Even if they don’t accept your help, the offer will be a resounding reminder that they are not alone.

2. Don’t draw lines.

Avoid making one person out to be the bad guy in the situation. Even if you’re no longer in contact with your friend’s ex, there is no way of knowing if they will end up together again or how that kind of negativity will affect them emotionally. Try to remain neutral.

3. Suggest Counseling.

If you suspect that your friend is struggling with their emotions and not handling the situation well, you are probably right. Do not be afraid to suggest counseling or other methods of help. Your friendship is very likely a good first step toward providing your friend with the support he or she needs, but if you aren’t a licensed therapist, don’t take on the sole responsibility of guiding them through their divorce. It’s very important that your friend seek professional help during these difficult times.

4. Share your knowledge.

If you have personal experiences or divorce related knowledge, don’t hesitate to share. When people are going through the divorce process they are often looking for direction and guidance, even simple day-to-day advice can be a great help to someone trying to rebuild their life.

5. Avoid relationship talk.

Everyone handles their divorce differently and the emotional strife that comes with a divorce is complex and unique to each person. Steer clear of relationship advice and gossip. Your friend is likely experiencing a wealth of emotions and any relationship advice given may likely backfire or cause further conflict.